Senaki Drama Theater
Senaki theater history starts since 1881. The first show was held on 8 February 1881 – “Forced to be doctor” by Moliere was presented. Eminent representatives of Georgian art acted in the theater: Shalva Dadiani, Valerian Gunia, Akvsenti Tsagareli, Nato Gabunia, Vaso Abashidze, Maka Saparova-Abashidze, Akaki Khorava, Aretha Lolua, etc.
In 1967 Tskhakaia Public Theater participated in the Union Festival of the Public Theaters, helding in Moscow, The Kremlin Hall. “At the Tekhura” by M. Khuntsaria was presented. Tskhakaia Public Theater won in this festival and was granted with the diploma of the first degree. Participating actors and creative group members were granted with the title of laureates.
In 1990 the theater was awarded with the state status, “24 hours time” by V. Kandelaki, with directorship of Davit Khanikadze was staged.
In 2008 the theater building was awarded with culture inheritance monument status.