Gurjaani Puppet Theater
The Gurjaani Puppet Theater exists and functions since 1987. At first, the theater was awarded Public title and functioned as a Public Puppet Theater at the Culture House. The troupe consisted of only 8 members and was headed by the director Nodar Ionatamishvili. Plays were staged both by local and invited directors. The theater repertoire consisted of 7-8 plays. The theater had constant troupe and loyal spectators.
In 1991 by the request of the art director of that time and interest of the Ministry of Culture to award the theater with State status. Special commission sent from the ministry examed theater hall and as the theater had technically equipped relevant base and troupe of the professional actors, the theater was awarded with state status.
Since this period, the theater starts creative development in more active and productive manner. Number of staff also increased and number of employees conducted 58.
But this number decreased soon and since 2005 number of staff was only 15. Nowadays, quantity of staff is 10 and there are 5 freelancers (decrease of staff number was due to decrease of funding).
In period of 1991-2015 the director of the theater was Givi Tabakhmelashvili, Honored Artist of Georgia, balleron and owner of many other awards. Due to his forces and merits the theater maintained its status and condition, which brought the theater till now. In the period of directorship of Givi Tabakhmelashvili the troupe was geaded by the director Nodar Ionatamishvili, which was an art director of the theater. The plays staged by him are acting plays till now in our repertoire. Since 2015 Givi Tabakhmelashvili was assigned as an artistic director of Shota Rustaveli Theater and Cinema University of Georgia, and nowadays the director of the theater is Nino Nadiradze, graduate of art history at Shota Rustaveli Theater and Cinema University of Georgia.
The budget of the Gurjaani Puppet Theater is 70 000 Gel, which is insufficient. Avarage salary of the common employee is 250 Gel. Financial problems are followed by infrastructural problems. Sound and lighting machinery are out of date and needs to be replaced. The building where the theater operates is on the balance of the cultural center of the municipality, creating lots of problems in terms of ordering the space and other technical works.
The theater suggests 2-3 premieres within the season. The restored plays are also held.
In spite of scarcity of the remuneration of the staff, they serve cultural and moral raising and development of the future generation.
The Gurjaani Puppet Theater is one of the 6 state puppet theaters operating within out countries and is only in Kakheti region.